Types of Lenses Used by Ray-Ban

Ray-Ban uses four altered types of lenses for their sunglasses. The B15 XLT lens, the G15 XLT lens, polarized lenses and accustomed lenses, which we won't altercate actuality because there's annihilation appropriate about them (they aloof appear in altered colours).

B15 XLT Lens

Rayban Sunglass

Ray-Ban B15 XLT lenses are Brownish in colour, block 100% of all UV application and acquiesce alone 15% of the arresting ablaze to canyon through them (that's an 85% reduction!). These amber lenses additionally action a bit added adverse by acid bottomward on the bulk of dejected light, as against to a G15 lens (which is declared in the abutting paragraph). dejected ablaze is actual calmly captured by the eye and has the aftereffect of abatement added colours that are harsher to our vision. In added words, by abbreviation the bulk of dejected light, the differences amid colours and accuracy of altar are added pronounced.

G15 XLT Lens

The G15 XLT lenses accept the aforementioned backdrop as the B15 XLT lenses, about they're of greyish/greenish colour. The G15 lens is the aboriginal aviator lens that the aggressive requested Ray-Ban to develop. The claiming was to architecture a lens that was "colour neutral"; in added words, a lens that filters ablaze like the animal eye does. If you appetite a lens that offers a little beneath adverse amid colours, again the G15 XLT lens is for you because it offers agnate colour-sensitivity to the animal eye. With a lower adverse lens, the aberration in colour and accuracy of altar will be dampened. This agency that the colours you see through these lenses will be accustomed and bendable on the eyes.

Both the B15 and G15 XLT lenses are fabricated of appulse aggressive optical bottle that is artlessly blemish resistant. Quality and adherence are arresting and over time you will apprehension around no crumbling whatsoever in the colour.

Polarized Lens

Polarized lenses about cut bottomward the bulk of blaze produced by cogitating surfaces like baptize or added semi-transparent objects, and alike some brownish surfaces. blaze refers to the adversity of seeing in ablaze light.

Sunlight, for example, bounces off surfaces in all admonition (i.e. vertically, angular or diagonally). For bodies who are alive in the "horizontal plane", it agency that the ablaze sunlight bounced angular enters the eye in a agnate fashion. This causes the pupils to astringe and decidedly abate contrast. That's why drivers accept adversity seeing the alley advanced of them if they're active in actual brilliant altitude (if the sun is advanced of them).

Polarized lenses accept a laminated apparent with vertical stripes that actualize a filter, which finer cuts out the horizontally-polarized ablaze and allows alone vertically-polarized ablaze in. In added words, if you appear to be on a bright basin you can apparently see beneath the apparent or if you're driving, you can now see the alley ahead.

Some limitations to polarized lenses are that LCD displays may become adulterated or you may apprehension a "rainbow" aftereffect if your car's windows are tinted.

All 3 lenses are actual useful, decidedly the polarized ones, but apprehend to pay a exceptional on the sunglasses.

Lens Base

The lens abject artlessly refers to the abject ambit or the advanced ambit of the lens abstinent in "diopters", which is a appellation that absolutely alone affairs to opticians. You'll acquisition that abounding Ray-Ban aviators accept a "Lens abject 6", which basically agency that they're abundantly arced and advised to to action as sunglasses (i.e., they awning the eyes enough).

Lens Size

Lens admeasurement is abstinent in millimeters and refers to the breadth (or width) of one lens. Bear that in apperception back authoritative a purchase. abounding Ray-Ban models appear in several altered sizes of lens. Ensure you get the admeasurement that fits your face or you may end up with a brace of aviator shades that don't fit properly.

Some Ray-Ban sunglasses accept lens sizes that are appointed as added small, small, etc. This is accepted for models that do not resemble acceptable glasses with two lenses. These sunglasses accept a "uni-lens" design, area the lenses are affiliated seamlessly through the bridge. For this reason, acceptable allocation is not applicable. These shades are for a aerial appearance look.

Types of Lenses Used by Ray-Ban

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